XII Travelers
Paul & Alejandra de la Vega Foster, EL PASO

Paul Foster came to El Paso in 1991 as the marketing manager of El Paso Refinery. In 1997, he founded Western Refining. When the company went public in 2006, it quickly rose to become the fourth largest publicly traded independent refinery in the United States. Paul never forgetting El Paso and the institutions that helped him succeed, currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Franklin Mountain Management, LLC, and is on the Board of Directors for Andeavor, a premier U.S. refining, marketing, and logistics company.
As avid supporter of the El Paso/Juarez region, Mr. Foster is involved in numerous local and regional business, civic, and charitable organizations. In 2013, he was appointed to the El Paso branch board of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank. He is a member of the World Presidents’ Organization and serves on the Steering Committee of the Borderplex Regional Economic Alliance. He was the founding Chairman of El Paso Regional Economic Development Corporation (REDCo).
Alejandra De la Vega Foster is from a prominent family in Mexico known for giving back to the community. She studied engineering and played basketball at Tecnologico de Monterrey. As leading businesswoman and philanthropist in the region, she serves as president of Almacenes Distribuidores de la Frontera, a convenience store chain with more than 190 stores in Juarez, Mexico. She also owns the Domino’s Pizza franchise in the city of Juárez and the franchise rights for La Madeleine Country French Café. Mrs. de la Vega-Foster is co-owner of the El Paso Chihuahuas, the Triple-A Baseball affiliate of the San Diego Padres, and co-owner and President of the Board of the Mexican Division 1 A Soccer Team Franchise for Ciudad Juárez, MX – Los Bravos de FC Juárez.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster are passionate about the city they call home and have unified their mutual interest in the borderlands for the benefit of everyone. As the eighth members of the Society of XII Travelers, they help insure that the youth of the region will proudly know their own history and heritage.